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A Quick Guide To Help Parents Buy Bunk Beds

Buying a perfect bunk bed for your child can be trickier and more challenging than buying any other furniture of your home. Choosing a bunk bed involves safety precautions along with a wish to make your child happy. Just like how you buy any other products, you need to analyze your needs before you purchase a bunk bed for your home. Here is what you should do:

Measuring the space in your child's room

These types of beds are designed to fit small spaces but they can serve really well in large rooms as well. Before you head out to the marketplace, make sure you have measured your space properly. Measure your floor space and check the ceiling height as well. You must leave at least a space of 2 feet between the ceiling and the bunk bed to prevent any bumps. The height of bunk beds varies but on average the bed’s height is five to six feet tall.

As far as floor space is concerned, you need to remember that twin bunk beds in Toronto do not require more space than a conventional twin bed. However, if you are opting bed with some special features like trundle beds or pull put drawers, they will need more space.

Selecting the right bunk bed to purchase

Bunk beds are available in different types and styles. You can opt for basic bunk beds, twin-over-twin and other combinations available in the market to cater your needs. Generally, bunk beds are broadly categorized into two main groups (the loft variation and of course the basic type). Each group has many different sub categories. For example, basic bunk beds come either as  twin-over full and twin-over-twin etc. while the later comes in a lofty bed over a study center and lofted over a futon. There are some configurations where triple sleeping surfaces can be available. These beds are ideal for sleepovers or when three children are sharing a room.

Look for the features you are interested in

It is possible that you need a bed that has a storage solution or you might be interested in having a study area. Some parents look for beds that have tents and slides available with them as well. It is all dependent on the age and requirements of your children.

If your kids love to have a sleepover with their friends, you might be interested in having bunk beds with pull out beds or futons. Either you can purchase the bunk beds with such features or you look for these features as added-on purchases. There is no harm in consulting your child and see what he wishes to have. There is a chance that you may be overlooking some of his needs.

Choose the right style

Bunk beds are available in lot of styles and therefore you will have plenty of options to consider. You will have a say in terms of material like all metal, all wood or a combo type. Some people prefer to have traditional bunk beds that are made with dark wood and fine detailing while others look for a contemporary touch. In case your child loves a themed bunk bed, you can also look around and will surely find one as well.

Pay attention to safety

Safety of bunk bed is really important. You must ensure that the bed you are considering has all safety features like footboards, headboards and guardrails. You must also familiarize your children with all the safety rules that are to be followed. You may have to teach him over a period of time and highlight the possible hazards but very soon, your child will get accustomed to them.