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Can Your Kid's Bunk Bed Affect Feng Shui Of The House?

Many trained feng shui specialists have often encountered the question of whether or not having a bunk bed in the house would affect the feng shui of the house. There are plenty of reasons why this is a common idea that is going around, and not all feng shui specialists always agree with this theory. In this article, we will take you through the possible positive and negative effects of having your kid’s bunk bed in the house and look at how it can possibly contribute to the feng shui of your house.  

Would bunk beds affect the feng shui of your house in a negative way?

There are mainly three reasons why this is a common idea. Firstly, it is thought that the bunk bed which is the lower bed would have the energy around it to be compressed. It literally means that the energy freely revolving around the ground would be compressed by placing a bunk bed there. This means that the person using the bunk bed to sleep would receive less of such energy during their sleep, and this might negatively affect their lives.

Secondly, placing a bunk bed below another bed means that the bed above has to place in a height which is higher than our usual beds. This means that the person sleeping on the bed above has to be higher than normal, and this might cause them troubles with having a peaceful sleep. It might also cause them to have an increased awareness of their height causing them to feel less safe of sleeping at such a height above normal.

Thirdly, the person sleeping on the lower bed might also get affected in a way that, since they are on the lower plane, they might grow to feel inferior of the person sleeping above. This is especially true if siblings are using such beds, where the sibling sleeping on the lower bed might grow to feel less than the sibling sleeping on the bed above. This is thought to be a negative energy to be around a nuclear family which is living under the same roof together.

Counter-arguments from feng shui experts

However, despite those arguments, many feng shui specialists beg to differ. They feel that bunk beds are chosen to be placed in the children’s rooms because they are very space efficient. It is a practical solution for houses which has more than one child. Let us now review having bunk beds from a different point of view, which would see it from the fact that it helps to align the energy in the room through the help of space conservation.

A bunk bed in your children’s room might actually be helpful more than harmful

Bunk beds are lovely things to have in a house with children. With bunk beds, you can create forts or even hidden spaces for your children to play around with. This way you can add this additional element into their play time and let them run around playing hide and seek with each other rather than being hooked onto the computer or video games.

Bunk beds are also great for people with small houses. With bunk beds, in the space for one bed, you have two and on each bed you can put up to two small children if you like. Again, it is great for them to play around and bond as they would be in the same room to spend time with each other. On top of being space efficient, you also are allowing your children to become fonder of each other with their minor tiffs, quarrels and play time. Children who have spent their time with their siblings have been proven to grow into brothers and sisters who trust and rely on each other as friends and siblings. This would be good for your family ties and bonding.

Safer alternative

Bunk beds are also great alternatives to having bedding with frames made up of metal. This is because bunk beds mainly come in solid wood frames and this means that there is good strength on the foundation of the bed to accommodate to more than one person sleeping on the whole structure. Also, metal frames can rust and can be harmful for younger children who might be using the bed as well.

If they bite or lick on the metal surfaces which have rusted, this might be dangerous to their health. Also, metal frames are more prone to leaving children injured if they knock onto them in their play time as metal frames are fitted in with a lot of nuts and bolts which might stick out and scratch the children.

As you can see, there are two sides to the argument of having bunk beds around in your house, and although some may think that your house’s feng shui can be affected, it leaves you with plenty of benefits which might overpower the former.