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Choosing The Perfect Bunk Beds To Upgrade Your Kids Room

Bunk beds have come a long way from the days when they were made from metal and looked more like military equipment. The old beds were uncomfortable and trying to get up to the top bunk was akin to torture. The modern bunk beds are beautiful and comfortable and they come with creative stairs or ladders that make accessing the top bunk easy. The modern bunk beds are a common fixture in most kids and guest rooms. The fact that they come in different styles and sizes makes them perfect for any room. If you are trying to upgrade your children's room with a bunk bed, the following tips will help.

Make sure you have adequate space

The first thing you need to determine is whether the room is large enough to hold the bunk bed. While the beds are great additions for any kid's room, it is important to ensure that you have adequate room before you bring the bed home. The best thing about bunk beds is that they make use of vertical space. It is, however, important to ensure that you have adequate horizontal space so that the kids can walk around the room without bumping into the bed and other furniture items in the room. Buy a bed that is ideal for the space and remember that features like ladders, stairs and drawers will require more space.

Children accessing the bunk bed

It is important to determine how easy it will be for your child to assess the bunk bed. When looking at the different bed designs, it is a good idea to have your kids with you or to make sure that you know whether they will be able to use the stairs or ladders. This is not just an issue of convenience, it is also about safety. Stairs that are too narrow or hard to use can be hazardous for young children. The last thing you need is your kids tripping over steps that are hidden out of sight! Testing how easy it is to access the top bed is important. When buying the bed for young kids, make sure they have handrails.

Buying age appropriate bunk beds

When choosing the bed, it is important to think about the age of the child. While it is true that you may want to invest in a bed that your child can use for years, you have to know that some of the beds in the market are not designed for young kids. There are beds that do not have handrails and they are designed for older children or teens that do not have to worry about maintaining balance. Think about the style that will work best for your child and remember that a bed that is too high above the ground might also pose a risk for the younger kids.

Consider your decorative style and lifestyle

Think about the type of bunk beds that will fit your lifestyle and your decorative style. With the different styles of bunk beds available, you can get designs that will work perfectly with your décor style. The beds come in different styles with stairs in a variety of shapes and configurations. You can choose a twin over twin bed, or a twin over a full bed below. You can also consider getting loft beds that have space for a desk or storage cabinets below the top bunk. There are beds that are perfect for rooms where space is an issue. Whatever configuration you choose, make sure that the ladder or stairs are accessible.

Choosing the best arrangement

The best thing about bunk beds is their ability to accommodate more people. Depending on the arrangement that you choose, you can accommodate up to four kids in the same room. Having two double-decker beds mounted against a wall can be the perfect setting for slumber parties. If your kids have several friends over, you will not have to worry about the sleeping arrangements. Modern bunk beds can be very creative and personal and you can even get some that come with nightlight accents for each bed. There are designs that look like personal cubicles that can give the kids a measure of privacy.

Make sure that you check on the safety before buying bunk beds. Inspect the bed carefully to make sure that it is free of defects and safety hazards that can cause harm when installed in your home. Keeping your kids safe should be a top priority and this includes when buying the bed, mattress and other furniture for the children's room. Inspect all the features to ensure that the bed comes with sturdy ladders and side rails. Make sure that the base of the bed is strong to handle the kid's weight and remember that kids have a thing about jumping on the bed! Make sure that you remind your child about safety when using the bed to avoid injury.