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Getting To Know The Health Benefits Of Silk Duvets

It is almost impossible to figure out when the first point of cultivating silk started out in history. It has been around for centuries and even more than that. The first ever marks of silk cultivation or also known as sericulture was found beyond 7000 years ago, that’s more than 7 millenniums for you.

Silk was such a prestigious piece of material that different communities, especially the Chinese, have safeguarded their silk cultivation as a secret for years. It was even banned for people to bring silk over from one place to another and to even speak about silk cultivation anywhere outside of China. Anyone known to do either of those were immediately sentenced to death by the Chinese community – that was how much silk was kept on top of a gold throne for years after years.

Eventually with changes in the world and politics, the secret was let out and soon different communities and countries around the world could enjoy the benefits of silk. From then till today one thing has not changed – the royalty and luxurious class of silk has stayed the same and till today it is an icon of wealth and luxury. Silk basically forms silk duvets and this article we will take you through what the benefits of silk duvets are.

Characteristics of silk duvets

Silk duvets are manufactured from silk and all the natural benefits of silk immediately get transferred over to such duvets. Silk duvets are made in such a way that using them to sleep would really change your sleeping experience from mediocre to excellent. Making silk duvets is not an easy thing. Silk duvets are made by placing layer over layer of mulberry silk floss. These layers are gently placed and compressed against each other to make sure that they are not too close by, but are still adhered together.

To get each thin layer of mulberry silk floss is already a cumbersome thing on its own, and on top of that each layer has to be placed one by one. It can be a largely time consuming process with a lot of manual effort, but with modern technology thankfully that effort and time has been reduced over the years. Placing these layers over one another and gently pressing them together is done until the right weight of the silk duvet is achieved.

How the silk duvet can be the most comfortable thing you can sleep on

Silk duvets are indeed the most comfortable materials you would be able to find as bedding for you to sleep on. It is naturally designed to give you the utmost comfort for your sleeping experience. The long strands of silk fibres help ensure that the silk duvets remain warm for your comfort. At the same time, such silk duvets are weaved in such airy layers that they are not heavy. They drape around your body to accommodate to your body shape rather than pressing down on you while you sleep.

This is the main reason why it is so comfortable as they are not heavy layers on top of you while you sleep. Once you have experienced such a luxurious comfort, it would indeed be very difficult for you to revert back to your previous materials of bedding.

How silk duvets protect you from potential harms

Silk duvets are made from natural proteins so that way they will be less able to accommodate to other organisms to thrive in the duvets. When duvets are made up with artificial materials, they will better be able to hold up as a living environment for organisms like dust mites. Since silk is a natural protein, it has intrinsic properties and substances around it that do not let other organisms thrive. Having bed bugs and dust mites can cause a lot of problems for you and your family. They can create multiple allergic reactions like eczema, asthma or rhinitis. They can also cause children and elderly to fall sick easily and have other skin rashes and conditions.

In a mattress made up of artificial material or other materials like down, feather or polyester, the number of dust mites in typical bedding can hit up to twenty thousand. In bedding made out of silk, the number is drastically reduced to less than a thousand. That is how beneficial and hypo allergenic silk is in comparison to your other types of beddings, mattresses and duvets in the market.

Also, silk has a great property of helping your skin reabsorb moisture through the proteins in silk. This way, you will not feel clammy or sticky even if you are perspiring. Moreover, silk duvets also help your skin get moisturised adequately so that you can have a great feeling while you sleep without being uncomfortable due to the hot or cold weather.