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Trundle Bunk Bed - The Answer To Your Space Problem!

When furnishing your kids room or the spare guest room, you need to think about the furniture that works best for the available space. As you consider the pros and cons of all the furniture items in the store, you have to realize that the bed is the most important item for the bedroom. When planning the room, you have to think about the best way to utilize the available space. Think about the area that the bed will take up with room left over to move about conveniently. If space is an issue, you need not despair; trundle bunk beds can offer the perfect solution.

Trundle beds are not only great for any kid’s room, they also work perfectly in a guest bedroom. A trundle bed comprises a smaller sized bed that fits underneath a larger bed. The beds come in different sizes and styles, with most being the size of a small twin bed. Any time you need to accommodate an extra person, you pull out the trundle and when you no longer need it, you simply push it back under the bed. Choosing a trundle bed is a great alternative for many reasons.

Additional sleeping space

The best thing about having a trundle bed is the convenience. You can add extra sleeping space any time you need it. When it is combined with a daybed, the trundle can act as an extra mattress, which does not have to take up extra space until it is needed. This is a great way to maximize comfort while making the most of the space in your home. When you have sufficient sleeping space, you do not have to worry if you have too many guests in your home.

Buy high quality mattresses

A great thing about modern trundle beds is that they come with high quality mattresses. They also have a simple fitting that makes it easy to use the extra bed. You do not have to worry about storage for the extra mattress as you simply push the trundle under the bed as it is. Even though you do not have guests or other kids sleeping over, a trundle can be a great way to keep your kids in the same room. When shopping for a bed, make sure that you do your homework so that you can get a good quality sturdy bed that will last a long time. This is also the best way to ensure that the bed is safe and will not fall apart.

Choosing the trundle bed type

There are two basic types of trundle beds with the most common type being a low profile mattress that is stored under a daybed and is pulled out when it is needed. There is also the type of bed where the bed underneath remains out at all times. The low profile of the trundle means that the person using the lower section will sleep close to the floor. Some of the mattress frames are high enough, allowing room to store the low profile trundle underneath. The trundle comes with wheels or casters that make it easy to roll out the trundle into place. Test the trundle in the store to make sure that it is easy to pull out.

Daybed frame designs

There are trundle beds that can work with a daybed to add a fashionable accent to the room. Some daybed frames are built to conceal the trundle underneath. The designs are built into a frame that looks like a drawer and you cannot tell there is an extra bed underneath. These bed designs are perfect when you only need to use the extra space occasionally. The best thing about the beds is that you can save space in the room while still knowing that you have extra sleeping space when the need arises. Some trundle beds are designed for daybeds that pop up and unfold to a large king size.

Consider height limitations

When buying a mattress for your trundle bed, you need to remember that there are some height limitations. Some plush mattresses and pillows may not be ideal for the hideaway trundle. There are, however, many good quality custom mattresses that are perfect for trundles. To make sure that you get the right fit, measure the pullout section of the trundle bed before shopping. If you have a pop-up design bed, the top and bottom section mattresses have to be the same type. You can choose an air mattress, memory foam or an innerspring mattress to get the most from your trundle bed.

Having a trundle bed in your kid's room will enhance versatility by ensuring that the kids have maximum playroom during the day and a place to sleep at night. When choosing a bed for your kids, you can choose designs that will appeal to the kids. It is a good idea to ensure that you buy the bed from a reputable store to get a good quality product. A good quality trundle bed will be sturdy as it is made with the best materials to ensure durability.