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What Types Of Furniture Are Great For Your Kid's Bedroom?

When thinking of providing a room to your children, their safety should be your first concern. Unlike other rooms in your house, meticulous scheming should be done. Careful planning regarding the set-up of the room should be a priority to make sure that they are unharmed. This applies to all the items that will be placed inside their room including furniture and fixtures.

Not any furniture is appropriate for a child's room though. A few items are essential, but most things, whilst enticing, are not necessary. Here are some of the types of furniture that should go well with your kid's bedroom together with some tips on how to choose them.


kids furniture toronto

Cribs are basically made for babies and when you choose one, you must check the slats. It should not be more that 2 3/8 inches apart so that his head will not be stuck between them. The head and footboards should also be free from cut outs. If the crib has finials (corner posts), unscrew or cut them off. Baby's loose clothing can get tangled on these and choke your baby.

Older cribs and furniture are painted with lead-based paint which can be potentially dangerous to your kids if they bite on them, they usually do this. Lead, when ingested is poisonous and can lead to permanent mental and physical retardation. As a precaution, strip off the old paint and repaint it with high quality enamel. Let it dry in a well-ventilated area.

Furniture for older kids

Your baby has all grown up into a young man or a little lady. For these older kids, you should choose furniture that has the right size. You cannot get a table, chair or shelf that is intended for an adult. You can really save a lot if you do purchase those that have bigger sizes but it is not ideal and not recommended. When putting these pieces of furniture in your child's bedroom, you have to remember some salient points. For one, shelves should not be mounted high on the walls. Children, particularly toddlers, love to climb and taller furniture would mean higher goals for them and these are not safe.


Your child may need a nightstand for his glass or a storybook. As much as possible, you should scout for a nightstand with rounded edges. This has a lesser impact when bumped into compared to those with corners. These are harder to find but for sure you would not want to compromise the safety of your kiddos that is why you have to exert all effort when looking for nightstands of this type.

Wardrobe cabinet

For bigger children, a wardrobe may be necessary as he outgrows his baby cabinet. It should be spacious enough to accommodate his belongings. Having his own wardrobe will encourage him to be more responsible in keeping his own things.  Give him the responsibility of keeping it tidy at all times.

Study table and chair

As he gets bigger, he has to say goodbye to his kiddie table and chair. This would be the time to purchase a study table and chair for him. This is very essential in encouraging him to pursue good study habits. You can go for study tables where he can at the same time organise his books and other school essentials. Study tables with cabinets will also be good so he can keep his bags inside the cabinets. If you do not want cabinets, you can make sure that there is room left below the table where your child can tidy up his bags after use.

A good bed

You should not forget that one, if not the most, essential furniture that should go in your kid's bedroom is his bed. It is a bedroom after all. When buying a bed for your child, you have to consider what he actually wants for his age. It is good to note that beds come with different designs that will fascinate the eyes of your child and will surely give him a sound sleep at night. Beds in different themes that will match the style of the bedroom are also available for purchase. But of course, you always have to make sure that the bed is safe for your child. Otherwise, you will end up being worried leaving him tucked up in bed in his own bedroom at night. 

There are indeed a lot of furniture pieces that go well with your child's bedroom depending on his age and his ever-changing needs. Each of these pieces should be carefully chosen just so your child's safety will never be put to risk. Make sure you purchase only from trusted dealers offering the best in children furniture. You can say these items are the best once you know that details are carefully given for each item and the dealer can at the same time answer your query for any of these furniture pieces.