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Why It Is Vital To Choose The Right Mattress For Your Growing Kids

Children grow up fast and this means that their bones are also growing. During this rapid growth stage, it is important to ensure that the mattress they sleep on provides the right degree of support for the spine. Sleeping on an uncomfortable or well-used mattress leads to a disturbed night even for adults. The result of a long night on a cheap mattress is waking up feeling stiff and groggy in the morning. Kids who sleep on a mattress that is uncomfortable wake up feeling achy and this can affect their entire day. The fact that the kids bodies are constantly changing means that there is the added risk of stiffness.

It is very important to ensure that you choose a good mattress for your kids. Select a mattress that supports the growing bones to ensure that the kids have a comfortable sleep. Admittedly, choosing the best mattress can be quite confusing due to the availability of a wide range of options. Consider that choosing the wrong mattress can mean sleeping becomes a problem for your child. It is important to take your time and to do some research so that you can make the best purchase decision. Remember that mattresses may look similar but they are not the same.

Avoid harmful chemicals

Safety is a very important issue to consider when buying mattresses for your children. When you realize this, you know how important it is to choose the right kind of mattress. There is widespread concern about the effects of potentially toxic chemicals. When you consider that your child will spend 10 to 12 hours sleeping on the mattress for a couple of years, you know it is important to avoid anything harmful. Stay away from mattresses that are heavily-treated with polyurethane foam, Eco-foam, vinyl (PVC), industrial chemicals, phthalates and chemical fire retardants. There are chemicals in some mattresses that may release gases that can be inhaled by the children.

Consider the style of the bed

There are many types of beds out there and you need to consider this factor when buying a mattress. Unless you are planning to buy a new bed, you need to ensure that the new mattress fits in the current bed. Whether your children have bunk beds, cabin beds, single or double beds, you can find a mattress that is perfect for the bed. It is a good idea to measure the bed before you start shopping. Remember that the mattress you buy is more important than the style of the bed. Experts recommend choosing a mattress that has a box spring support system. This type of mattress provides great support for kids.

Organic and non-toxic materials

Choose mattresses that are made from organic or non-toxic materials for your children. A great choice is a mattress that is made with organic wool or organic cotton fabrics and filling. It is important to remember that children tend to be especially sensitive to toxic products and you should be careful to limit their exposure to anything that can be harmful. Note that not every organic mattress is the same and in some instances; your child may be allergic to "coir" or "natural latex". Look for a mattress that is certified or recommended by a reputable organization and avoid nylon, vinyl and polyurethane.

Choose a firm mattress

To make sure that your child gets proper support, you should look for a good quality firm mattress. This is the best mattress for growing bodies as recommended by pediatricians. Look for FDA food-grade polyethylene, to ensure that you get a dust mite proof and waterproof mattress. Do some research and find out the materials used in producing the mattress. This is the best way to ensure that you get the best quality product. It is not a good idea to get a used or hand-me-down mattress for your kids and remember that if it is not comfortable for your older kid, it is not good enough for your younger child.

Price is an important factor

When shopping for your child's bedroom, it is important to consider the price factor. Price is an important consideration when choosing a mattress and like with most things, you are likely to get exactly what you pay for! While there is nothing wrong with trying to get a discount or the best possible price, a cheap mattress will end up having a negative effect on the quality of sleep. A cheap mattress will soon start to sag or springs begin to poke through and this means that it will no longer serve the purpose of ensuring that your child gets the best sleep. Buy a mattress that has an extended warranty.

You can extend the life of new mattresses by turning them regularly and using padded mattress toppers to reduce wear. Shop around and choose the best mattress available for your budget. It is worth spending a little extra to buy a mattress protector that can either be free form or fitted. The protector will help the mattress to last long with its waterproof quality.